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'Commission 'steamrolls' over eastern European countries on migration then slips them €200 million' says UKIP




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maxresdefaultAfter the 1 October announcement that the European Commission will grant almost €200 million to member states most affected by the migrant crisis, European Parliament Budget Control Committee member, UKIP MEP Jonathan Arnott (pictured) said: "To finally resolve this crisis, it must be tackled at the source. Pumping more tax-payers money into papering over the cracks will only exasperate the problem in the long term.

"It would be cynical of me to suggest that this financial commitment is related to the widespread dissent we saw from eastern European leaders last week. For the Commission to promise this money after causing the crisis is patronising, arrogant and short sighted. It's the equivalent of first sinking the ship, then having the cheek to send a lifeboat. The European Commission steamrolls over eastern European countries on migration then slips them €200m."

€146 million of EU funds for cross-border cooperation between Slovakia and Hungary

The European Commission adopted yesterday the new cross-border cooperation programme between Slovakia and Hungary, worth €172 million, with €146 million from the European Regional Development Fund. The programme focuses on improving mobility in the region, by investing in public transport and new connections, and on labour mobility, by fostering a more integrated cross border labour market. The descriptions of the 2014-2020 programmes are available on Commissioner Crețu's webpage and on the Inforegio website

Slovenia and Croatia: over €46 million for more cross-border co-operation in the fight against climate change

The 2014-2020 cross-border cooperation programme between Slovenia and Croatia, worth €55.6 million with €46.1 million coming from the European Regional Development Fund, was adopted yesterday. Resources will be targeted at joint initiatives to adapt to climate change and to protect the border region's biodiversity. The descriptions of the 2014-2020 programmes are available on Commissioner Crețu's webpage and on the Inforegio website



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