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'Bridging the gap: Implementing the rights of indigenous peoples'




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indigenous-people-UN"We must ensure the participation of indigenous peoples – women and men – in decision-making at all levels. This includes discussions on accelerating action towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals and defining the post-2015 development agenda." - United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

The International Day of the World's Indigenous People (9 August) was first proclaimed by the General Assembly in December 1994, to be celebrated every year during the first International Decade of the World's Indigenous People (1995 – 2004).

In 2004, the Assembly proclaimed a Second International Decade, from 2005 – 2014, with the theme of 'A Decade for Action and Dignity'. The focus of this year's International Day is 'Bridging the gap: implementing the rights of indigenous peoples'. The theme aims to highlight the importance of implementing the rights of indigenous peoples through policies and programmes at both the national and international level working together towards this common goal with governments, the United Nations system, indigenous peoples and other stakeholders.

A special event at UN Headquarters in New York will be held on Friday, 8 August, from 15-18h, featuring the UN Secretary-General, the president of the General Assembly, the vice chairperson of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, a delegate from a member State, a representative of the Office of the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights, and an indigenous representative. The event will be webcast live here.

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