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Annual full-time adjusted salary in EU grew in 2023




In 2023, the average annual full-time adjusted salary for employees in the EU was €37,900, reflecting a 6.5% increase from €35 600 in 2022. 

Average annual full-time adjusted salary per employee, 2023, in €. Chart. See link to full dataset below.

 Source dataset: nama_10_fte

Among the EU countries, the highest average annual full-time adjusted salary was recorded in Luxembourg (€81,100), followed by Denmark (€67,600) and Ireland (€58,700). 

In contrast, the lowest average annual full time adjusted salaries were recorded in Bulgaria (€13,500), Hungary (€16,900) and Greece (€17,000). 

For more information

Methodological notes

  • The indicator is based on a combination of national accounts and Labour Force Survey (LFS) data. It is adjusted by expressing part-time salaries as full-time equivalents.
  • The average annual salaries are transmitted by the countries under the European System of Accounts 2010 Transmission Programme (ESA 2010 TP). Please note that the recent benchmark revision of national accounts has been incorporated in the estimates for nearly all countries.
  • The Netherlands: data are available via a link in the metadata file (different methodology).

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