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HERA: First step towards the establishment of EU FAB, a network of ever-warm production capacities




The Commission has published the Prior Information Notice, which provides vaccine and therapeutics manufacturers with preliminary information about the EU FAB call for competition, planned for early 2022. The objective of EU FAB is to create a network of ‘ever-warm’ production capacities for vaccine and medicine manufacturing that can be activated in case of future crises. EU FAB will cover multiple vaccine and therapeutic technologies. To be operational at all times, the participating production sites are expected to ensure availability of qualified staff, clear operational processes and quality controls, allowing the EU to be better prepared and respond to future health threats. EU FAB will be able to quickly and easily activate its network of manufacturing capacities to meet demand for vaccines and/or therapeutics needs, until the market has scaled up production capacities. EU FAB will form a key component of the industrial dimension of the European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA), as announced in the Communication Introducing HERA, the next step towards completing the European Health Union, on 16 September. The Prior Information Notice on the EU FAB is available here.

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