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First report on the State of the Digital Decade calls for collective action to shape the digital transition




The first report on the State of the Digital Decade, published today, provides a comprehensive look at progress towards achieving the digital transformation to empower a more digitally sovereign, resilient, and competitive EU. It includes an assessment of the EU’s performance towards Europe’s 2030 objectives and targets focusing on four main pillars: digital skills, digital infrastructure, digitalisation of businesses, including the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and digitalisation of public services. It also includes the monitoring of the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles, which reflects the EU’s commitment to a secure, safe and sustainable digital transformation, putting people at the centre.

The 2023 report, which is the first of a series of annual reports, is a call to member states for collective action to address the current investment gaps, accelerate digital transformation in Europe and intensify efforts to reach the objectives of the Digital Decade Policy Programme (DDPP). The DDPP was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council and entered into force on 9 January 2023, and includes a system of collaborative governance between the EU and national authorities.

The 2023 report’s horizontal recommendations and the country-specific recommendations present a clear and operational way forward. The recommendations will be the basis for discussion and collaboration between the Commission and the member states on how to achieve our common goals. This work will be supported through the implementation of large-scale multi-country projects, including the newly introduced European Digital Infrastructure Consortia (EDICs).

More information is available in this press release, Q&A and factsheet.

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