Commissioner Hoekstra hosts the Working Group on Clean Transition under the Strategic Dialogue with the European automotive sector
Commission welcomes new European Board for Media Services
The Commission opens applications to reward the best Cohesion Policy supported projects
Commission awards fellowships worth €417 million to nearly 1,700 researchers through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Polish Presidency debriefs European Parliament committees on priorities
Chemistry of success: how Alekszej Fedoricsev helped lift Ukraine’s chemical industry
Commission approves amendment and prolongation of German state aid scheme to promote rail transport interoperability
Scots First Minister meets EU Ambassador
Call for EU support for the International Criminal Court (ICC)
4.3 million under temporary protection in December 2024
New rules enter into force for a more sustainable and competitive packaging economy
Study reveals best European countries where singles can save the most
Real GDP increased in most EU regions in 2023
How additional Russian yachts became the targets of US government confiscation lawsuits
EU provides €175 million to support research, innovation and just transition of steel and coal sectors
Commission and member states confirm no gas supply concerns in the New Year
EU primary energy consumption decreased by 4% in 2023
Quarterly reports confirm further structural progress on renewables and security of supply on EU energy markets
EU gas storages 95% full, surpassing the 90% target in the Gas Storage Regulation
7.7 million female scientists and engineers in the EU
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs integrates UK, USA, Canada, and Singapore as business exchange destinations empowering European SMEs with global opportunities
What Azerbaijan can learn from the UAE’s approach to education
Commission marks International Day of Education by presenting key data on early childhood education and care and assessing five years of the European Universities initiative
Kazakhstan’s leap in education investment: A model for global progress
Share of renewables in transport rose in 2023
Commission invites comments on draft amendments to state aid rules with respect to access to justice in environmental matters
Commission reports show faster progress is needed across Europe to protect waters and better manage flood risks
Commission launches call for evidence for development of European Water Resilience Strategy
Member states introduce better measures to protect coastal and marine environments, but further action needed
New European Health Union Fellowship officially launched at ceremony in Bruges
Preventive health care expenditure: €202 per inhabitant
World Cancer Day: Hope, prevention, and treatment
Exploring statistics on disability and social participation
How Google continues to impact the iGaming industry across Europe even with on-going changes
International symposium takes place Navoiy, Uzbekistan, dedicated to Alisher Navoiy
Some culinary treats to celebrate ‘Cupid’s Day’
Reviving an old favourite to help lift the January blues
Separating fact from fiction: The BRICS currency debate
How Nigerian news outlets spread disinformation on the Ukraine-Russia conflict
Goolammv ‘unmasking’ raises more questions than it answers
Nova Resistência in Brazil: Identifying Dangerous Narratives and Stemming Their Influence
Championing Muslim Humanity to Perceive the Russian Invasion In the Indonesia-Malaysia Young Muslim Community
Without a clear animal vaccination strategy, the next outbreak could be a disaster
Dolphinariums to be banned across Belgium
Compassion in World Farming calls for improved animal welfare
After a year of protests, the EU looks set to have a healthier relationship with the farming sector
Silent Suffering: Photo exhibition highlights cruel realities of animals in Europe
Awareness of ICT security issues rising in enterprises
How new Instant Payments Regulation will change things in Europe
President von der Leyen and Executive Vice-Presidents Virkkunen and Séjourné attend the AI Action Summit in Paris to support sustainable innovation
The EIC Forum presents its recommendations to close Europe’s innovation gap
POLITICO caught up in USAID controversy
Rutte to MEPs: ‘We are safe now, we might not be safe in five years’
Steadfast Dart 2025 ready to start
A safer digital future: new cyber rules become law
Zelenskyy: Ukraine can join NATO or acquire nukes
European Cybersecurity Month 2024: #ThinkB4UClick
On 6 July, 2021, Kuwait’s judiciary issued one of its most-anticipated decisions. The case concerned the killing of Farah Hamzah Akbar, a 32-year-old Kuwaiti single mother...