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European Parliament this week: Migration, agriculture, taxation




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Parliament1Migration, development and the crisis on the agricultural markets will be debated by MEPs during the plenary session on Wednesday. Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, will discuss taxation regulations for multinational companies with the economic committee and the special committee on tax rulings on Thursday (17 September). He will be joined by commissioners Pierre Moscovici and Margrethe Vestager.

Plenary on Wednesday (16 September)
Refugee crisis

During Wednesday's plenary MEPs will debate with Council and Commission representatives the outcome of the Justice and Home Affairs Council on Monday 14 September, which will look at both short-term and permanent measures to deal with the refugee crisis.
Commission's work programme for next year

MEPs will vote on their demands for the work to be done by the European Commission next year. MEPs may request among others new legislation on migration, the environment, taxation and energy. The Commission will present its work programme for next year to MEPs in Strasbourg in October.
Agricultural markets crisis

MEPs will debate the crisis in the dairy and meat sectors with commissioner Phil Hogan. Falling prices have affected farmers in many member states, exacerbating the effects of the prolonged Russian embargo on food imports from the EU.


MEPs will prepare their input for the UN Sustainable Development summit, to be held in New York City on 25-27 September 2015  which aims to set the post-2015 development agenda.



Migration flows in the Mediterranean

Elmar Brok, chair of the foreign affairs committee;  Claude Moraes, chair of the civil liberties committee; and Elena Valenciano, chair of the human rights subcommittee will host a public hearing on Tuesday on "Respecting human rights in the context of migration flows in the Mediterranean". Speakers include Federica Mogherini, the EU's foreign affairs chief; Dimitris Avramopoulos, the commissioner responsible for home affairs; António Guterres, the United Nations' High Commissioner for Refugees; as well as members of the parliaments of Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey.


Commission President Juncker and Moscovici, the commissioner responsible for taxation and customs, will debate on Thursday current and future taxation policy plans, particularly for multinational companies, with members of the economic committee and the special committee on tax rulings. The meeting will also include a debate with Vestager, the commissioner responsible for competition.

Emission limits for non-road mobile machinery

The environment committee will vote Tuesday on a legislative proposal to reduce emissions from a large variety of combustion engines, installed in machines ranging from small handheld equipment and construction machinery to locomotives and inland waterway vessels.

President's agenda

European Parliament President Martin Schulz will be in Sweden on Monday where he will meet among others Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Parliament Speaker Urban Ahlin. On Thursday, Schulz will meet German Bundestag President Norbert Lammert.

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