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Britain's Queen Elizabeth backs her son Charles to take on #Commonwealth role




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Britain’s Queen Elizabeth has said she hoped her son and heir Prince Charles would take on leadership of the Commonwealth, answering some who argue the position should be rotated around member states, writes William James.

“It is my sincere wish that the Commonwealth will continue to offer stability and continuity for future generations and will decide that one day the Prince of Wales should carry on the important work started by my father in 1949,” the queen said at the formal opening of the Commonwealth heads of Government Meeting.
The meeting, taking place in Britain for the first time in 20 years, is seen as a chance to reconnect with former British colonies and revitalize the loose alliance of 53 Commonwealth countries ahead of Brexit.

The Commonwealth evolved out of the British empire in the mid-20th century, and the Queen has been its head since her reign began in 1952.

The question of who will follow Britain’s 91-year-old monarch into the role was raised in the run up to the summit. The leader of Britain’s opposition party suggested the position should be rotated around the members.

Prince Charles, 69, also made an informal pitch for the role in his remarks at the event in Buckingham Palace: “For my part, the Commonwealth has been a fundamental feature of my life for as long as I can remember.”

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