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Report by Syrian refugee children reveals fear, violence and uncertainty in host countries




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iraqi_refugee_children_damascus_syriaA new report, written and researched by refugee children three years after the beginning of the Syrian conflict, reveals that children are burdened by financial insecurity, physical and verbal abuse and increasingly uncertain futures.

In the report, supported by international agency World Vision, the children found that 86 percent of their peers have been exposed to violence in their new communities.

“We fled the flames of war, only to find ourselves surrounded by danger, explosions, kidnapping, and theft. We are unable to live peacefully. We live in constant fear that something will happen and affect our life or hurt us,” the children write in Our Uncertain Future, launched today (12 March).

Directing the findings to “the organisations and countries supporting our cause, who are capable of making a difference” and “every person in this world”, the children call on the international community to “help us and end this crisis”.

They also ask the communities who are hosting them “to accept us until this crisis is over”.

The research was conducted in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, and Irbid, Jordan, during January and February. Through group discussions and interviews, 140 children aged between 10 and 17 years old identified their most urgent problems and provided recommendations to help solve them. The findings were written up by a small group of writers elected among the children. Their words, aside from translation from Arabic into English, have not been altered.

“Our fears grow day by day that the war will rage on, that destruction will intensify, and that we will lose many of our friends and relatives who are still under fire in Syria. What we fear most is our uncertain future. We are afraid we may never go home.”


The report references child marriage, financial insecurity and bullying as key concerns for children. It also mentions racism and sectarianism. The authors say: “We would never have known the meaning of these words if it were not for this crisis.”

They also, however, make it clear that they experience great generosity from their new communities.

World Vision is presenting the report to governments around the world urging them to listen and act on the calls made.

The EU and its Member States are the largest donors in the region, together with humanitarian and development assistance totally €2.6 billion. As part of this figure, the Commission pledged an additional €100 million of its humanitarian aid budget, in Kuwait.

World Vision Regional Leader for Middle East and Eastern Europe Conny Lenneberg said: “Behind the violence and the politics, a generation of children is doing its best to grow, learn and develop in the midst of continued uncertainty. Soon, these children will be adults, responsible for rebuilding the country they love. They’ll be asking us why we did not do more – in fact they already are.”

World Vision’s EU Representative Marius Wanders said: “We thank the EU and its member states for their support for Syria’s children and particularly Commissioner Georgieva in tirelessly ‘championing’ the children of Syria as a driving member of the #NoLostGeneration campaign. However, we all must continue and intensify our efforts, listen to the voices of Syrian children, and remember that we and Syria cannot afford to lose this generation.”

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