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EUA Annual Conference 2014: 'Changing Landscapes in Learning and Teaching'




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I8UMj-EtO5tVsO730gF7GMXWaefdqoOQC2f55TymfbiHh9-sajkAoB6cWAorc3st3Sa6xylX6kfFSPkwlyELcIPDlC6mK8Bb=s0-d-e1-ftThe European University Association (EUA) Annual Conference 2014 'Changing Landscapes in Learning and Teaching' will take place at the Université libre de Bruxelles in Belgium from 3-4 April 2014.  

European higher education has been in constant flux for well over a decade. However, some voices are predicting that the real revolution still lies ahead, with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), growth in private for-profit providers and increased global competition given as evidence that disruptive change is already underway. Which trends are transforming learning and teaching, and how should European universities respond?

EUA’s 2014 Annual Conference will explore innovative teaching approaches, and consider their implications for the organization of learning and teaching processes in the years to come. High-level speakers from Europe, Brazil, China and the US will reflect on the opportunities and challenges facing institutions in Europe and other world regions, and on the impact of mobility and internationalization on learning and teaching in universities in Europe. A full list of speakers is available on the conference website.

On Friday 4 April from 14-15h30, at the end of the conference, there will be a special session dedicated to the 'hot topic' of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The recent rapid growth and development of MOOCs have created considerable expectation and anticipation about how MOOCs can potentially transform teaching and learning, and higher education provision more generally. The session will bring together a panel of experts from different universities across Europe who will present their perspectives and experiences regarding MOOCs.

More information on the conference is available here.

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