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Back to school with Eurostat’s education corner




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The new school year has started and getting the coolest backpack is on everyone’s to-do list. But besides this, getting the best educational resources is also a priority and Eurostat has you covered. 

The education corner is the place to go for teachers needing extra materials to teach statistics, geography, social sciences, or other subjects and also for students looking for alternatives to learn the basics of statistics and beyond. 

Starting with Statistics 4 beginners, this section explains and presents statistics in a straightforward way, from statistical concepts to themes like population, business and environment, you can cover all your learning bases there. 

In the Education corner, you can also find interactive publications and data visualisation tools where you can compare countries and play around with the data. There are also videos about specific themes like the labour market, and different materials by language, where you can even find materials developed by the different National Statistical Offices across Europe.

Screenshot: Education corner

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