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Thunderclap: Become an election ambassador on social media




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20140512PHT46841_landscape_600_300Less than two weeks to go before the European elections take place. Time to tell friends and online contacts about the upcoming elections and what’s at stake. The European Parliament's social media toolkit gives you all the information you need to become an election ambassador: videos, infographics as well as articles about the elections. And by using Thunderclap, you can help to create a social media buzz before the elections to spread the news.

Social media has become an important information tool for many people. The EP is using it to inform and create awareness. But it only works well if enough people take part to spread the message:This time its diferent!.

Social media toolkit

The social media toolkit features everything you need to promote the elections, including a four-page PDF with key information and links to election content. In addition there are various Facebook apps, videos and infographics about the elections, plus links to MEPs and political parties on social media. Also you can take part in our Thunderclap initiative.
Spread and share to inform others about the elections!

ThunderclapTake part in the Thunderclap initiative to help spread the message. You can subscribe with your Facebook or your Twitter account. This will allow the Thunderclap website to send one message on your behalf one day before election day. The password or any other data will not be stored. The aim is simply to send one message about the election through many channels and create a buzz on social media to raise awareness. The message will only be sent if enough people sign up. Let's make #EP2014 a trending topic before the elections!



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