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European Parliament today: 31 March 2015




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european_parliament_001Tax policy

The Special Tax Rulings and Economic and Monetary Affairs committees will debate tax issues with OECD Secretary-General Ángel Gurría and Director of Centre for Tax Policy Pascal Saint-Amans. Topics will include the fight against tax evasion and tax havens.    

@EP_Economics #tax #taxrulings #taxtrasnparency  Time: 11-12h30; Venue: Paul-Henri Spaak building, room 3C050


Draft EU rules to improve the transparency and reliability of benchmarks that may affect key financial market rates or the pricing of retail financial contracts such as mortgages will be put to a vote in the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee. The rules were prompted by the rigging of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and the Euro Interbank Offered Rate (EURIBOR).

@EP_Economics, #LIBOR, #interestrates, #mortgage, #financialinstruments  Time: 10h30; Venue: Paul-Henri Spaak building, room 3C050  

Fair trials 


Proposed EU rules to ensure that the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty is properly protected, including a ban on statements by public authorities that could create bias against the suspect or accused person before a final conviction, will be put to a vote in the Civil Liberties Committee.

@EP_Justice #fairtrials #presumptionofinnocence  Time: 9h45-10h30; Venue: Paul-Henry Spaak building, room 1A002  

In brief     

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): the Foreign Affairs and Civil Liberties committees will vote on their input to EP’s position on the TTIP.

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