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#5G - 'Car manufacturing is so important for Europe, it has to be future-proof' Weigel #StrategicAgenda #EUCO




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EU Reporter spoke to Dr Walter Weigel, vice president and chief strategy officer of Huawei's European Research Institute. Huawei employs more than 2,500 researchers in labs across Europe. It also works with European universities and research institutes on its more long-term innovation, where Huawei is looking five to ten years into the future.

Europe's research strengths lie particularly in its expertise in telecommunications and materials. Weigel says Europe has some of the best mathematicians in the world, with many recipients of the prestigious Field medal for mathematics.

We asked Huawei about developments in how 5G will be transformative, Dr Weigel said Huawei is developing 5G in many areas, an example given by Dr Weigel is a project with the technical university of Munich with connects all the electronic devices in the operating theatre including instruments, the operating table, surveillance equipment for the patient and lighting. 5G will bring this together, Huawei is also very conscious of the security requirement and has two labs in Europe that are focused on cybersecurity.

As heads of government meet in Brussels to discuss the ‘Strategic Agenda’ for the EU’s next five years, Weigel says that 5G is important - especially since the European car manufacturing industry is so important for Europe, it has to be future proof and look into electronic and autonomous cars. Weigel gave examples of two autonomous vehicle projects that Huawei is currently developing in Europe.

On cybersecurity and accusations made by President Trump, Weigel told EU Reporter that Huawei has opened up its hardware and source code to the cybersecurity units of the German and UK governments, and that no concerns were found.


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