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Statement by Lord Hill




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Lord-Hill-320x202A statement from Lord Hill (pictured), UK nominee for the European Commission, who has been chosen today (10 September) by President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker to handle the financial stability, financial services and capital markets union brief.

 "President-elect Jean Claude Juncker has given me a great responsibility in asking me to take on the financial stability, financial services and capital markets union portfolio, a sector of fundamental importance to the European economy.  I am very much looking forward to working in his team. 

"In the coming weeks, ahead of the confirmation hearings, my priority will be to talk to members of the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs to hear their concerns and to benefit from their experience. But my starting point is that there is much work to do to build on the important legacy of Michel Barnier to ensure we have stable and well regulated financial markets.

"As President-elect Juncker has stressed, nothing is more important in the years  ahead than creating the right conditions for jobs and growth, and I look forward to playing my part in that task and in building a stronger Europe."

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