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A travelling exhibition across the EU celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Single Market




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1 September marked the start of the Single Market Tour, a travelling exhibition celebrating the success of the Single Market on the occasion of its 30th anniversary and involving citizens in discussing its future. The tour kicks off in Trieste, Italy, and will showcase the many benefits and opportunities of the Single Market. It will feature interactive activities, challenging games, and insightful dialogues. The tour will then embark on a journey across Europe, and is scheduled to visit Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal and France until the end of the year. There will be many other destinations in 2024.

Since the beginning of the year, numerous debates, conferences, and events have been organised with relevant parties across the EU to celebrate the achievements of the Single Market and encourage reflections on its future.

In March this year, the Commission published a Communication celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Single Market, which is one of the major achievements of European integration, and one of its key drivers. Established on 1 January 1993, the European Single Market allows goods, services, people and capital to move around the EU freely, making life easier for people and opening up new opportunities for businesses. Now more than ever, it is an important factor of Europe's economic resilience during crises and provides a crucial geopolitical lever that boosts the EU's standing and influence in the world.

For more information and the tour's itinerary, consult the Single Market Tour page.

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