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Statement by European Parliament President #AntonioTajani on future of European Union




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Antonio TajaniEuropean Parliament President Antonio Tajani welcomed the adoption by Plenary today of the three reports by Guy Verhofstadt, Mercedes Bresso, Elmar Brok, Reimer Böge and Pervenche Berès that are meant to open the debate on the future of the European Union. 

According to President Tajani, “We need to bridge the gap between Europe and its citizens. The European Parliament gives its clear direction to the future of Europe for a Union responding to citizen concerns and delivering more concrete results.

The European Parliament is at the centre of this effort to reinforce Europe to make it more effective. We, as the voice of the people, need to ensure that citizens are at the heart of the Union’s future.

We need to build on the success of the last sixty years while learning from our mistakes. We need to change Europe, not to weaken it. This is for us, but also for future generations who deserve a safer, more prosperous, sustainable Europe that asserts itself as a global leader affirming our values in the world.”.

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