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Leadership and organisational behaviour in European journalism




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"Modern European politics cannot exist without independent and honest media. They are both direct associates in political processes and third-party fixers of events making up the bricks of the political history of Europe of the XXI century". - writes  Joshua O. Kozerod, professor of political history  at Zerah business school (Malta and Luxembourg), vice-president Centre for European democracy studies.

" I have had to invariably emphasize the role of modern journalists and publishers working in Brussels covering daily developments in the EU authorities, during our classes with students on the history of political parties and doctrines.

Mr Colin Stevens, President of the Brussels Press Club and publisher of the EU Reporter, is a master of political journalism. He has been working in Brussels for decades, being an example for young people, growing political scientists, and journalists.

Hence, I decided to nominate him for the title of Doctor of Letters - honoris cause -  of Zerah Business School for meritorious recognition of his leadership and organisational behaviour in European journalism.    I am glad that the School’s Board of Regents supported his candidacy unanimously.”

" I am delighted to accept this honorary doctorate" said Colin Stevens, "and see it as an award not just for me, but for my entire journalist team at EU Reporter."


Colin Stevens is publisher and editor in chief of eureporter, and president of the Press Club Brussels, president of the European Association of Press Clubs, and also President of the World Federation of Press Clubs.


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