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Europe must open humanitarian corridors from departure countries European leaders: Political responsibility and immediate concrete actions




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MigrantsUrgency is to open humanitarian corridors for those fleeing from conflicts and to put in place an adequate and serious rescue at sea operation to prevent tragedies like today (19 April). Terre des Hommes calls for European governments and international community for collective responsibility.

Terre des Hommes calls for a radical change in European Migration Policy. Europe must be a space of human rights and opportunities in line with the European values promoted by the EU in the world.

Europe must open humanitarian corridors

Hundreds of people are feared to have drowned today after a boat carrying up to 700 migrants capsized in the Mediterranean Sea 210 km off the coast of Lampedusa. "Amongst the dead in the Mediterranean there are children, women, men fleeing war, persecution, hunger. They will not stop crossing despite this additional tragedy," said Raffaele Salinari, Chair of Terre des Hommes International Federation.

As immediate action, Terre des Hommes reiterates the urgency to open humanitarian corridors for those fleeing from conflict, with the possibility of having access to regular channels of immigration to Europe from departure countries.

We need a radical change in the upcoming European Agenda on Migration

“EU institutions and Member States must understand that we need and we want a radical change in European’s migration policies”, continued Raffaele Salinari.


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