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Dozens missing after Russian missile strike on mall kills 18




Firefighters searched on Tuesday (28 June) the rubble of a Ukrainian shopping centre in Kremenchuk, where officials claimed that 36 people were missing following a Russian missile attack that left at least 18 dead.

Further east, in the Dnipropetrovsk area, the governor reported an enemy attack and stated that rescue workers were looking for survivors under rubble in Dnipro.

Ukraine claimed that Russia deliberately killed civilians in Kremenchuk. Moscow claimed it had attacked an nearby arms depot, falsely claiming that the mall was empty.

Valentyn Reznychenko, the governor of Dnipropetrovsk region, wrote on Telegram that Russia had fired six missiles. Three of these were destroyed. A railway infrastructure and an industry enterprise were destroyed, and a services firm was on fire.

Reuters was unable to independently verify the account of the governor. A request by Reuters for comment was not answered immediately by the Russian Defence Ministry.

Over the past two days, Ukrainians described Russian attacks in Odesa in the south and Kharkiv in northeast.

According to a Reuters photographer, Kharkiv was an early Russian target after its invasion in February. Authorities and rescuers as well as volunteers of the Red Cross have resumed training civilians in how to survive in the subways in a city under siege.


On Tuesday, the Western NATO military alliance, which has provided weapons to Ukraine to resist Russian advances, resolved a deadlock. This opens the door for Finland and Sweden becoming members. Turkey has dropped its objection to NATO joining the Nordic countries

This development strengthens the alliance's response against Russia, especially in the Baltic Sea where NATO would have military superiority if Finnish and Swedish members joined.

This week, hundreds of thousands of troops will be notified by NATO at a summit in Spain.

Global condemnation poured in for the Kremenchuk attack. Nearby, relatives of the victims were gathered at a hotel where rescue workers had established a base. Children and adults lit candles and placed flowers to pay tribute to the deceased, with some children in tears.

Russia's defense ministry claimed that its missiles had hit a nearby depot for Western weapons. The explosion set off a firestorm that reached the nearby mall.

Kyiv stated that there is no military target in the region.

Russia called the shopping centre disused and empty. Russia described the shopping centre as disused and empty, but this was contradicted both by the relatives and missing and the dozens wounded survivors, such as LudmylaMykhailets, 43. She had been shopping there when the blast threw them into the air.

"I flew headfirst and splinters struck my body," she said. She said that the whole hospital was collapsing at the time she was being treated.

During Tuesday's U.N. Security Council meeting, Russia and Ukraine traded accusations.

Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the Ukrainian president, accused Russia of being "terrorist". This prompted Russia to accuse Russia that he was using a Security Council address to launch a remote PR campaign to obtain more Western weapons.

Russia denies deliberately targeting civilians in a war which has claimed the lives of thousands and drove millions from their homes.

After last week's destruction of Sievierodonetsk, Ukraine faced another difficult day on the battlefields in the eastern Donbas.

Russian forces are trying storm Lysychansk across the Siverskyi Donets River to Sievierodonetsk to complete their capture Luhansk. This is one of two eastern provinces Moscow wants to conquer for separatist proxies.

Although Western countries have placed economic sanctions against Russia, they have not been able to reduce Moscow's main source income, oil and gas export revenue. This has increased because of the risk of supply disruption, which has driven up global prices.

The G7 unveiled a new strategy at its annual summit. It will leave Russian oil off the market and impose a limit on what countries can pay.

In accordance with commitments made by G7, the United States also placed sanctions on over 100 targets and prohibited new imports of Russian-gold.

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