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#EP2019 - German Greens move ahead of Social Democrats in latest estimates




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Ska Keller, the co-leader of the
Greens in the European Parliament

The German Green Party is estimated to win 22% of votes and 23 seats in the next European Parliament. While Greens have been nearly neck-and-neck with Social Democrats in polling for national elections, it is nevertheless surprising compared to polling that suggested a gain of just three seats, writes Catherine Feore.

The Greens are still second to the EPP (European People’s Party) parties in Germany, the Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Bavarian sister party the CSU. The result will no doubt be disappointing to the EPP’s Spitzenkandidat Manfred Weber, with a loss of six seats.

The Social Democratic Party (SPD) appears to have lost 11 seats, but still has the third highest vote with 15.5% of the vote.

The far right Alternatif fur Deutschland expected to gain six seats are now estimated to win only an additional three, with an estimated 10.5% of the vote. It is beginning to look like projections for the far right may be somewhat off the mark.


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