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European Parliament President, Antonio #Tajani, on the key debate on the Rome Declaration




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antonio-tajani-afp_650x400_51484705771At the invitation of President Antonio Tajani, European Council President Donald Tusk, Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, Deputy Maltese Prime Minister Louis Grech and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker exchanged views in plenary with Members of the European Parliament on the Future of Europe in the run up to the Rome Declaration marking the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. 
“I would like to recall that today in the Netherlands people are voting and no one should offend a democratic country that goes to elections and the values we all recognise,” said European Parliament President introducing the key debate.
“Europe is much more than a single currency or a common market. We must restart Europe on this premise. We cannot limit ourselves to a formal ceremony to mark the best 60 years in the history of a free Europe. The anniversary of the signature of the Treaty of Rome is an opportunity to bring Europe closer to the citizens through concrete responses to their concerns like unemployment, terrorism and migration, by promoting our values in the world,” he added.
“On 25 March we will sign a solemn declaration in Rome. Today more than ever, we can see how important European unity is. Europe needs to be changed not weakened,” concluded Tajani.
The debate on the future of Europe was launched in February with the adoption of the three European Parliament reports - Verhofstadt, Bresso/Brok and Berès/Böge - followed by the Commission’s White Paper and the discussion at the last week European Council.

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