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Syria: 'The crisis has the face of a child'




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20131218PHT31327_originalA generation of Syrian children is at risk, affecting the country’s chances of recovery after the conflict, experts told MEPs. On 18 December the foreign affairs and development committees organised a debate on how to help the victims of the conflict in Syria, especially the children. "The real danger is that we will lose a generation of Syrian children to hatred and hopelessness,” said Anthony Lake, the executive director of UNICEF.

The debate featured Kristalina Georgieva, commissioner for humanitarian aid, as well as several representatives from different aid organisations. They shared the latest updates on the situation on the ground, discussed priorities for humanitarian aid and highlighted how the tragedy in the war-torn country affected children. "The crisis has the face of a child,” said commissioner Georgieva. The discussion was organised in preparation of the Geneva II conference on Syria in Switzerland on 22 and 24 January 2014.

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