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#Elections2019 - First seat projection for new Parliament and turnout estimate




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The first aggregated projection of the composition of the new European Parliament, based on exit polls published in 11 countries and pre-election voting intentions in 17 member states:

EP seats      
First European Parliament seats 

These figures are based on national estimates published in 11 countries (Austria, Cyprus, Germany, Ireland, Malta, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Denmark, Slovakia) and pre-election voting intentions in the remaining 17 member states.

Seat projections will be updated throughout the night, as estimates and official results come in from member states, with first provisional global results expected at about 23h15.

Here you will find national results, seats by political group and country, the breakdown by national parties and political groups, MEPs' gender balance or turnout. You will also be able to compare results, check majorities or upload your widget.

Turnout estimates indicate a significant increase in participation

Preliminary turnout estimates at around 51% (without UK figures, not available yet) indicate a significant increase in participation and the highest turnout for at least the past twenty years. Depending on the UK results, the overall turnout could vary between 49 and 52%.

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