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Crimea: EU extends restrictions in response to illegal annexation




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Ukraine-servicemen-near-D-009On 19 June, the Council extended the EU restrictive measures in response to the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol until 23 June 2016.

The sanctions include prohibitions on:

  • Imports of products originating in Crimea or Sevastopol into the EU;
  • investment in Crimea or Sevastopol, meaning that no Europeans nor EU-based companies can buy real estate or entities in Crimea, finance Crimean companies or supply related services;
  •  tourism services in Crimea or Sevastopol, in particular, European cruise ships cannot call at ports in the Crimean peninsula, except in case of emergency;
  • exports of certain goods and technologies to Crimean companies or for use in Crimea in the transport, telecommunications and energy sectors and related to the prospection, exploration and production of oil, gas and mineral resources. Technical assistance, brokering, construction or engineering services related to infrastructure in these sectors must not be provided either.

As stated by the European Council, the EU continues to condemn the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol by the Russian Federation and remain committed to fully implement its non-recognition policy.

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