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#Brexit: ‘Ireland’s interests are the Union’s interests’




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Michel Barnier, the European Commission Chief Negotiator for Brexit, made a statement following talks with Simon Coveney, Irish Minister for foreign Affairs and Trade. Barnier said: “Ireland’s interests will be the Union’s interests and vice versa; Ireland’s concerns are the Union’s concerns and all member states and the EU institutions are united on this.” Catherine Feore

Barnier and Coveney discussed how to take forward the political dialogue on Ireland and Northern Ireland. Their aim is that the Common Travel Area and Good Friday Agreement are not affected by the UK’s decision to leave the EU. Barnier underlined that the UK had a special responsibility as co-guarantor.

Coveney, described Ireland’s relationship with the UK as ‘interwoven’. Coveney said the UK’s decision to leave the EU has the potential to have extraordinarily negative impacts on the island of Ireland, he said this is why Ireland is one of the first phase issues:

“There was a clear assumption in the articles of the Good Friday Agreement that the UK and Ireland would remain in the EU. The challenge is to maintain what has been achieved, particularly an ‘invisible border’ while the UK left and Ireland remained an enthusiastic member of the European Union. He said a responsible and sensible way forward had to be achieved.”

At a later press meeting Coveney said he shared the scepticism of Ireland’s custom authorities on the UK’s proposed options for resolving the border trade. He said that it was impossible to maintain the status quo and protect the single market’s integrity. As an exporting country, he said that it was vital to Ireland’s interests to protect the single market.



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